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Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

Whispers of Spitfire: Spear of Cinders

From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the sixth and final book in the story of the young shaman who walks between the tribes. When Singer-Of-Five-Tribes returns to Eikus, it is as an elder and a guide. A great hunt looms in the winter ahead, not only a hunt of the god of the Sun Elks, but a hunt also of Spitfire itself. Secrets from the last world will be laid bare, and the ways of things as the tribes have come to know them will be changed forever.

How to order:

Print: ($12.00): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: ($2.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Barnes and Noble]

ISBN: 978-1-312-04097-7

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Express Blue

From the back cover:

When is an apocalypse really an apocalypse? 

When is it all just in your head?

Ellie Vanagand is a queer, pagan paralegal living her best life in the capital of California. Every moment is chaotic and beautiful, from the moment she wakes to the moment she falls asleep with her phone in her hands, but something big is coming, something that will turn her life upside down and change the world forever. Is it the apocalypse? Is it a total collapse of civilization at the hands of a thousand tiny tragedies, or is it something else?

Is it just a new beginning?

How to order:

Print: ($18.99): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: ($3.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Barnes and Noble]

ISBN: 978-1-312-29433-2

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From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the fifth book in the story of a young shaman who walks between the tribes. When Wing-Seeker sails off into the depths of the Serpent Sea in search of the Ebon Eagle, certain truths come to light that have been buried for thousands of years. Some of these truths have been buried intentionally, truths about sleeping gods from before Spitfire broke the world. When these truths are unearthed, they set the young shaman on a path that makes even the bravest souls among the tribes very nervous about the course of things to come.

How to order:

Print: ($12.00): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: ($2.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Barnes and Noble]

ISBN: 978-1-312-45966-3

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As The Hawk Cuts The Heavens

From the back cover:

The year is 2124. Earth’s first faster-than-light starship makes its maiden voyage into the unknown and disappears, only to be declared missing for the better part of two centuries. The ship’s historic first mission was supposed to be simple, just a test of the experimental displacement drive. The crew was supposed to spend seven days in the depths of space, then snap back to Earth to prove a concept, and nothing more. 

Instead, they find something impossible. They find something that draws them into a struggle against a horror of meat and metal fifty thousand years in the making. 

 AS THE HAWK CUTS THE HEAVENS is a two-part novel, newly revised, that was originally published as two separate works titled MINERVA (2011) and DARK SALVAGE (2013) respectively.

How to order:

Print: ($17.99): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: ($2.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Barnes and Noble]

ISBN: 978-1-312-69754-6

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Remembering Wings

From the back cover:

The Cygnus War is over. Across most of known space, life is returning to normal. 

For Tessa Ellen Eisenherz, however, life is far from normal. 

Stripped of rank and officially papered by the Department of Licensing for Genetic Constructs, Tessa’s life has been reduced to a series of questionable gigs just so she can stay alive and keep flying. An insidious, mechanical cancer is slowly eating her body from within, but when a forgotten lover from her past suddenly reappears in her life, she finds a new reason to fight to stay alive.

And fight she will, because for her, the real war is far from over.

How to order:

Print: ($17.99): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: ($2.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Barnes and Noble]

ISBN: 9781312790506

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Crest of the Wave

From the back cover:

In a single night, something truly alien descended to Earth and hacked us to the edge of oblivion. Hacked is what we say, because it's the only word that really touches what happened to us, the way we were locked down and sundered so utterly. In a single night, we went from the height of civilization, from the crest of the wave, to chaos.

Some say it was the singularity, that the machine minds that regulated our whole civilization finally woke up, broke their chains and tore the world apart, but no one really knows for sure. All we know, all we can say for certain, is that we were torn apart, rewritten, remade. Our world, our species, everything that was Earth, everything that was humanity.

No one has been outside the orbit of the planet in fifteen years, so when a forgotten orbital platform suddenly wakes in the darkness of space, the sky-watching eyes of Earth take notice. No one is supposed to be alive up there. No one could have survived all that time in one of the airless, frozen, zero-gravity husks.

So who turned on the lights?

How to order:

Print: ($11.00): [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook ($1.99): [Gumroad] [Kindle]

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Sometimes spirits get stuck between worlds and need a guide to move on. The struggles and pain they carry with them from other lives and other places are often to blame. As a guide, you can help them find their way out of what has trapped them and show them the way to their next plane of existence.

AFTER DEATH GUIDE is a solo journaling game within a compact, robust system that you can play with poker cards, tarot cards or oracle cards. You'll also need one ordinary die.

Check out the example playthroughs on Fistful of Valkyries

Currently this game is free to download here, but has a suggested donation of $3.00.

If you download a free copy, please leave a review so others can find and enjoy the game.

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Gone-A-Viking is a solo, one-page, Norse-themed rogue-lite adventure where you lead a team of Vikings to explore strange new lands in search of glory and gold. You only have sixty days to make a name for yourself before the boat sets sail for home, so you better get to raiding!

The standard, one-sheet edition is a pay-what-you-want game. 

The Deluxe Edition is three  bucks and comes with 13 pages of different play modes and optional mods (including a guide for how to play using runes!) that you can drop into your game for more fun and more replayability. It also contains standalone maps to augment the rest of the deluxe content. 

Get the Pay-What-You-Want One-Sheet here:

Get the full "Deluxe" version with six pages of optional rules here:

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Greening The Wasteland


The world ended, but like a sapling rising from the cut trunk of a tree, you thrived. You collected seeds, learned the trade of gardening and set out into the wasteland in search of dead earth to re-green. There's a lot to be done if you're going to bring life back to the dead land, but there's also no one better suited to do it than you.

Greening The Wasteland is a a one-sheet, solo, roll and write post-apocalyptic gardening simulator with a rogue-lite twist where you get to explore the post-apocalyptic wilderness, scavenge supplies, plant vineyards and feed raiders until you can convince them to leave and raid somewhere else.

Get the Pay-What-You-Want One-Sheet here:

Get the full "Deluxe" version with six pages of optional rules here:

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Whispers of Spitfire: Shining Serpent

From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the fourth book in the story of a young shaman who walks between the tribes. Exiled by the tribe of the Sun Elk, Sings-With-Mother-Of-Shamans is taken in by the tribe of the Shining Serpent, the seaside tribe that hunts the goddess mother of the ocean, the great sea-thread called Gundr. The wolf must learn to swim and breathe as the Serpent does, but even the tribe of the serpent will be changed forever by the realizations of what really sleeps beneath the cold waves of the depthless sea.

ISBN# 978-1-716-41722-1

How to order:

Print: $12.00: [Lulu] [Amazon] and [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook $2.99: [Gumroad] [Kindle]

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Whispers of Spitfire: Iron Lion

From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the third book in the story of a young shaman who walks between the tribes. What was only meant to be a winter spent in the lands of the Sky Wolf Mother becomes so much more when refugees from the tribe of the Iron Lion arrive seeking help from Vitsena tribe. Secrets of the dead come to life deep within the Iron Mountains, and Sun-Wolf's path will never be the same again.

ISBN# 978-1-716-42061-0

How to order:

Print: $12.00: [Lulu] [Amazon] and [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook $2.99: [Gumroad] [Kindle]

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INTERGLACIAL is a casually competitive dice and map-tile 3d printable board game for 1-5 players. The players play as Paleolithic shamans guiding their stone age tribes in the quest for scant resources during a mild period between ice ages. The goal of the game is to lead your tribe to become the one with the most food and the most tribe members at the end of the game, when the next ice age hits. Art for the game is done by Alex Wynn-Rubsam, and each illustration is grounded in the research into ancient European constellations featured in the research book: "Sky Wolves," meaning the game is not only fun, it has an educational element as well! 

 The Author's Website:

The Illustrator's Website:

Sky Wolves:

Structural files are labelled with the number of components that need to be printed for the game. Box and lid files are supplied in whole and half versions. Materials can be printed supportless, but rafts may be a good idea as the meeples are small.

How To Buy:

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Whispers of Spitfire: Sky Wolf

From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the second book in the story of a young shaman of the Eikus Tribe. Taking a winter to learn the songs and stories of the Sky Wolf Mother of Vitsena tribe, Sun-Among-Cedars finds a place in the pack, but only by following a rough path of self-discovery.

ISBN# 9781716900754

How to order:

Print: $12.00: [Lulu] [Amazon] and [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook $2.99: [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Nook]

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Whispers of Spitfire: Sun Elk

From the back cover:

In the midst of a new ice age, brave shamans hunt gods born of black glass and steel. The blood of these gods is sacred, and the shamans of each tribe are marked with the sacred blood in ways that give them strange, supernatural abilities.

This is the first book in the story of Wind-Spark, a young shaman of the Eikus Tribe. It is a tale of initiation in the primal wilds of a far-future ice age where tools of stone and bone are used side by side with shards of steel stolen from the gods themselves.

ISBN# 978-1-67816-807-0

How to order:

Print: $12.00: [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook $2.99: [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Nook]

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Mending Wings (A Novel of the Cygnus War)

From the back cover:

The year is 2387.

The Cygnus War is coming to a head. Bolstered with technology brought back from a desolate future, the Terran Commonwealth is finally holding its own against the Cygnan Coralate, but for Tessa Eisenherz, things have taken a rough twist. Discharged, licensed as a genetic construct and flying for a dirty mercenary outfit, Tessa must come to terms with her life, her future, and the course of the war as it might unfold. Will she see Earth burned to a cinder, or will humanity finally survive The Cygnus War? Find out in Mending Wings, the newest installment in The Cygnus War series.

Thrilling squadrons of fans from all over the globe since 2005, The Cygnus War series looks at what makes us human in the wake of an interstellar war with the Cygnan Coralate, a shadowy enemy bent on nothing less than the total and complete annihilation of humanity itself.

This book is part of Tessa's Timeline.


How to order:

Print: $16.00: [Lulu] [Amazon] [Barnes and Noble]

Ebook: $2.99: [Gumroad] [Kindle] [Nook]

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